📄️ Catchment Area
Catchment Areas show how far people can travel within a certain travel time or distance, using one or more modes of transport.
📄️ Heatmap - Connectivity
A color-coded map to visualize the connectivity of locations within an area of interest (AOI).
📄️ Heatmap - Closest Average
A color-coded map to visualize the average travel time to points (such as POI) from surrounding areas.
📄️ Heatmap - Gravity
A color-coded map to visualize the accessibility of points (such as POI) from surrounding areas.
📄️ ÖV-Güteklassen
The Public Transport Quality Classes (German: ÖV-Güteklassen) show the attractiveness of public transport services for a selected area.
📄️ PT Trip Count
This indicator displays the average number of public transport departures per hour for each public transport stop.
📄️ PT Nearby Stations
The PT Nearby Stations analysis is used to find public transport stops accessible by walking or cycling within a given time. For each stop, departure information by mode and route is provided.