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The Filter can be used to limit the data that is visible on the map. You can thereby either filter by logical expression (e.g. only visualizing supermarkets with a certain name) or by spatial expression (e.g. only showing points within a specific bounding box).

Filter tool in GOAT

1. Explanation

The Filter Filter Icon allows users to display only certain elements from a larger dataset based on specific criteria. This tool helps to visualize selected elements from a large geospatial dataset and there with allows users to focus on the information that is most relevant to their needs.

Logic and spatial expressions can be added based on the attributes of point layers and polygon layers with different types of data (number and string).


The filter operation does not alter the original data. It can be used on any layer to constrain the data used for visualization and analysis, without changing the underlying dataset. If reset, all original data associated with the layer will once again be visible.

2. Example use cases

  • Show all cities in Germany that have more than 50.000 inhabitants.
  • Show all carsharing stations of a certain operator.
  • Show the regions that have more than one airport.

3. How to use the filter?

Single Expression Filtering

Select the layer to which you want to apply the filter.
Click on Filter Filter Icon.
Filter tool in GOAT

The Active Layer shows the currently selected layer on which the filter will be applied.
Click on + Add Expression.
Select if you like to filter based on a Logical Expression or a Spatial Expression.
Select the Field, i.e. the attribute which you like to use for the filtering.
Select the concrete Operator that you want to apply. Note: the available options vary based on the data type of the attribute selected in Step 6.

The Filter Expressions available for number (numerical data) and string (text data) are given below:

Expressions for numberExpressions for string
is notis not
is at leaststarts with
is less thanends with
is at mostcontains the text
is greater thandoesn't contain the text
is betweenis empty string
is not empty string

For the expressions "includes" and "excludes", multiple values can be selected.

Set your filter criteria. The map will automatically update with your filtered data and the filter icon will appear on the filtered layer.
Filter Result in GOAT

Multiple Expressions Filtering

If you wish, you can combine multiple filters for multi-expression filtering. To do this, simply repeat steps 4-8 above for each additional expression. In the Logic Operator field, you can choose between the AND and OR logic combinations.

Logic Operators

If you select AND, only items for which all the filter expressions are true will be displayed. If you choose OR, items will be shown if any of the filter terms are true.


Multi-expression filtering should be applied carefully and logically to achieve the best result.

Delete Expressions and Filters

You can either remove single expressions from the filter by clicking on the three dots Options next to the expression and then click on Delete.


Or you can remove the whole filter by clicking on Clear Filter at the bottom of the Filter menu.

Clear Filters