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Attribute Types

GOAT handles a wide range of geometry types for spatial data. This capability is achieved by using a PostgreSQL database enhanced with the PostGIS extension. GOAT stores all geometries in the PostGIS geometry type (PostGIS geometry type is a way to store and work with various shapes and locations on a map within a PostgreSQL database. It allows you to keep details about points (such as landmarks), lines (such as roads), and areas (such as districts) directly in your database) within the EPSG:4326 coordinate reference system. However, for operations involving length or area measurements, the PostGIS geography type is used. This type allows calculations in meters and offers higher accuracy.

Furthermore, GOAT adopts a structured approach to data management by categorizing the data types. This categorization is intended to optimize the database schema for enhanced performance and scalability. The current schema includes a limited number of columns per data type:

Data TypeDescriptionMaximum Number of Columns
integerWhole numbers without any decimal points (e.g., 1, 100, -5)15
bigintVery large whole numbers, larger than what 'integer' can store5
floatNumbers with decimal points that need precision (e.g., 3.14, -0.001)10
textAny kind of text, including letters, numbers, and symbols20
timestampSpecific dates and times, including year, month, day, hour, minute, and second3
arrfloat (Array of Floats)A list of numbers with decimal points, stored together as one entry3
arrint (Array of Integers)A list of whole numbers, stored together as one entry3
arrtext (Array of Text)A list of text items, stored together as one entry3
jsonb (Binary JSON)Data formatted as JSON (a way to store information in an organized, easy-to-access manner), stored in an efficient binary format3
booleanTrue or false values, used for decisions or to indicate if something is on or off3

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